Lone Star

Flight Training & Testing Center

Lone Star At a Glance

Lone Star W&B 01

                  Aviation Services

We can reweigh your single engine and multi engine 12,500 lbs. or less aircraft by using certified calibrated scales from USA Measurements.

All measurements are done inside the hangar.



 Airman Written Knowledge Testing

Lone Star Aviation Testing Center

provides FAA/PSI Tests

The testing center is open:

M-F From 9am to 4pm

Sat From 9am to 1pm

We have 5 test stations available

All testing scheduling is done through PSI  



A&P and IA Test Prep

We offer test preparation for the A&P candidate as well as the Inspector Authorization.

All of our programs start on Monday's.

Contact us for the latest programs and prices.

Lone Star Flight Training

Lone Star  FAA Testing, A&P and IA Test Prep

5052 Central Pkwy

Hangar #16

Conroe TX, 77303

(832) 721-3158


Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm

Saturday 9am - noon